lelo podcast the world of bdsm

LELO Podcast: The World of BDSM

In this episode, we are going deep into a powerful conversation about bedroom habits from the other side of the fence. We’ll discuss topics such as kink, BDSM, and how to find your place in all of it.

lelo podcast the world of bdsm

Joining us in the studio is Viktor Zahtila, a BDSM practitioner, and on video we have Colette Pervette, a professional dominatrix and dominatrix educator, and Dr. Dulcinea Pitagora, a psychotherapist and sex therapist who focuses on alternative sexualities. 

What classifies as kinky sexual behavior? What are the historical origins of these practices? Is there an oldest recorded dominatrix somewhere? What are the behavioral and psychological aspects of such preferences?

All of these questions, and many more, will be answered by our experienced guests, with no censorship – only the truth. 

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