increased sex drive when menstruating

Are You Really More Horny on Your Period?

Do you ever find yourself extremely horny while on your period? If the answer is yes, know that you are definitely not the only one. And there are reasons why you might be feeling this way. 

Our sex drives are ever-changing and fluctuating, and there are a plethora of reasons, external and internal, that can influence it. Let’s look at some of the internal reasons why our sex drives fluctuate throughout the month and how it might affect how horny you feel during your period. 

Here’s why you’re more horny on your period

How the menstrual cycle affects sexual desire 

For people with vulvas, their sexual desire is not highly dependent on their menstrual cycle, and it can fluctuate depending on which phase of the cycle they’re in. There are four phases, and during each phase, there is a fluctuation of three sex hormones – estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone.

Estrogen and testosterone are sex hormones that are linked to sexual desire, and progesterone is the hormone that’s responsible for supporting the body during pregnancy

Let’s quickly go through each phase and how it affects the sexual desire:

Phase 1: Period Phase (Day 1-7)

The first day of your period is the first day of your menstrual cycle. A day or two before the first day of your period, all three sex hormones, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone plummet, which enables the uterus to shed the lining. 

When all three sex hormones are low, your sex drive is also low. However, once you start bleeding, the levels of estrogen and testosterone start rising, which means that you start experiencing more sexual desire. 

Phase 2: Follicular Phase (Day 7-14)

During this phase, your body is preparing for ovulation, and the levels of estrogen and testosterone are climbing higher. The higher levels of these hormones affect not only your arousal but also your confidence and mood, so during this phase, you might be very in the mood to have sex. 

Phase 3: Ovulation (Day 14-21)

During this phase, the estrogen and testosterone reach their peak, which means that you might experience extreme horniness during this phase of your menstrual cycle. 

This is also the phase where your body is ready to become pregnant, and the risk of pregnancy is highest during this phase. So, if you are not trying to conceive, you should use protection. 

Phase 4: Luteal Phase (Day 21-28)

During this phase, the levels of estrogen and testosterone are dropping, and progesterone comes into play. You might experience mood swings and notice your energy levels plummeting, which might affect your desire to have sex – aka make you less interested in having sex. 

Is it normal to feel horny during your period? 

If you noticed that you feel hornier than usual while on your period, and wonder whether it’s normal or not, know that yes it is. It is absolutely normal to have increased sexual desire while on your period. So, you are definitely not alone and shouldn’t worry about it. 

Why you feel more horny during your period

Alright, now let’s talk about the reasons why you might be feeling hornier while on your period. While there isn’t any definitive research out there yet, the experts say that it could be for a number of reasons, depending on the person: 

You feel safer  

Some people might feel a bit less anxiety about getting pregnant during penetrative sex during their period. While the risk of pregnancy is always there, it is true that chances of getting pregnant during your period are lower than during other phases of your menstrual cycle like ovulation. 

Research shows that there is a link between stress and reduced libido. When you are less worried about getting pregnant during sex, you’re able to relax more and enjoy the experience to the fullest, and your desire for sex might be stronger. 

Increased blood blow 

During your period, there is an increased blood flow to the pelvic area and the whole genital region. And as we know, more blood circulation causes the intimate areas to engorge (similarly to how the penis becomes erect when aroused), and it makes them more sensitive to stimulation. 

So, because you might feel much more sensitive in those areas, you might experience more arousal. This is also a reason why sex might feel much more enjoyable during your period, which might also make you crave it more. 

Also, the menstrual blood that serves as a natural form of lubrication, might also trigger arousal in some people because more lubrication always makes things feel much more pleasurable.

Why you should have sex or masturbate while on your period

If you feel horny during your period, you should definitely listen to your body and do what feels good. You might want to engage in some self-pleasure or even invite your partner to play because there are plenty of good reasons to have period sex.

Relieves cramps

Research shows that having partnered sex or masturbation during your period might help relieve the discomfort you experience and soothe menstrual cramps. The endorphins that are released when you orgasm are the reason.

One study found that orgasms might also help relieve headaches, which goes to show that orgasms are really just natural painkillers. 

Helps improve the mood

Orgasms are real mood boosters. When you have an orgasm, your brain releases a few different hormones that make you feel good like serotonin (happiness hormone), oxytocin (love hormone), and dopamine (pleasure hormone). All of these hormones have a powerful effect on how good and happy we feel. 

Relieves stress

Sex and orgasms are also a great way to relieve stress. When you have an orgasm, the hormone oxytocin is released and studies show that oxytocin can reduce blood pressure and lower cortisol (stress hormone). 

Period sex quick guide

So, if you are feeling horny during your period and want to enjoy some quality period sex, here are our few tips to make the experience amazing:

  • Focus only on the clit: whether you choose solo or partnered sex, consider wearing a menstrual cup or a tampon to collect blood and focus on the clitoral stimulation alone. 
  • Get into the shower: no better time for shower sex or masturbation with the showerhead than during your period! Jump into the shower, and have fun without worrying about making a mess or having to clean up. 
  • Use a towel: if you prefer to stay on the bed, lay a dark towel under your bottom and have sex or masturbate the way you would usually do. After you’re done, toss the towel into a washing machine and you’re good!
  • Consider dental dam: you can easily enjoy oral sex during your period by using a dental dam or sex-friendly menstrual cup like Ziggy Cup 2 that serve as a barrier between your partner and your intimate areas. Plus, if you are super sensitive, it might even feel better, because the barrier softens the stimulation.