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The 10 Weirdest Sex World Records – Part 2!

This article has been verfified for up-to-date accuracy in 2023 and is the sequel to a previous article about weird world records of sex.

The world is absolutely full with sex acts that, while valid, still go beyond what most of polite society will find themselves engaging in. This extends to cultural aspects, as there are bizarre sex practises to be found all over the world.

While we’ve got you here, we’ll also point out that while there are weird things people do when they’re horny, there are even weirder things that people will do to get horny. If you’re looking, there are some strange aphrodisiacs out there to get your motor runnin’. For all this strangeness, we’ve compiled our second list of the weird world records of sex. Definitely don’t try these at home!

Longer than a Limo: Furthest Ejaculation

Mr. Horst Schultz is probably a wonderful man with a family. Maybe he gives to charity and is well-liked by his peers. We shall never know these things. The legacy of Mister Schultz, by way of a Google search, extends to his world-record ejaculation.

Horst’s world record for the furthest ejaculation is a whopping 18ft, 9in. (6 meters) – longer than a stretch limousine.

Honorable Mention also goes to Horst, as that far-reaching ejaculate is also the fastest. Horst’s emissions reached a top speed of 42.7 mph (68.7 km/h) which is, incidentally, faster than the acceleration of a stretch limo. Way to go, Horst!

Check this out: How Can Men Last Longer in Bed?

Most Orgasms in One Hour

How many orgasms have you had in an hour? Two, at the very most? Well let me tell you; doctors from the Center for Marital and Sexual Studies in California have recorded the case of one woman who enjoyed – or endured, rather – 134 orgasms over the course of an hour. The record holder for males? Just 16.

Honorable Mention: The official longest orgasm happened a few years ago, in 2019. Lorna Harrison, a woman with a rare condition called Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder (PGAD), once had an orgasm last 24-hours straight. The longest medically-observed orgasm was in 1966, lasting 45-seconds with 25 individual contractions.

Check this out: Want to Have Multiple Orgasms? Here’s an Expert’s Advice

Age Ain’t Nothin’ But a Number: Oldest Porno Actor

After retiring from his job as a travel agent at the age of 60, Shigeo Tokuda found something else to fill his suddenly empty schedule: pornography. Now in his 80s, he’s starred in more than 350 adult films – and all without his wife of 45 years knowing about it.

Honorable Mention: Fujiko Ado, a frequent scene partner of Tokuda’s who is just few years younger than him.

Check this out: Senior Sex: Maintaining a Great Sex Life After 50 & 60 Years Old

Woman Who Birthed the Most Kids

You’d be forgiven for assuming that there was nothing much to do with your time in 18th Century Russia. If you were Mrs. Valentina Vassilyeva, you filled up your time by having as many kids as you can – 69, to be precise.

That 69-baby total consisted of 16 pairs of twins, 7 sets of triplets and 4 sets of quadruplets, plus lots of individual babies too.

Honorable Mention goes to the most prolific living mother, Mariam Nabatanzi Babirye of Uganda, who has birthed 44 children including 6 pairs of twins, 4 sets of tripets and 3 sets of quadruplets. She was diagnosed with hyperovulation and underwent surgery at age 40 to prevent more pregnancies.

Man Who Fathered the Most Children

69 kids is a lot of kids, to be sure. However Mrs. Vassilyeva’s pregnancy prowess pales in comparison to the multiplying might of Moulay Ismaïl Ibn Sharif, king of Morocco between 1672–1727. Over his lifespan, he fathered at least 1,014 children – probably many more however. How did he find the time to do royal stuff, like sitting in thrones and cutting ribbons?

Honorable Mention: According to modern DNA mapping, it appears that Ghengis Khan has upwards of 16 million living male descendants, meaning he must have fathered a similar number as Ismaïl.

Biggest Collection of Penises

No, we aren’t talking about the collection of penises in [INSERT LOCAL GOVERNMENT HEADQUARTERS]! We’re referring to the huge collection of dongs that are on display at the Icelandic Phallological Museum in Reykjavik, Iceland. Lining its shelves are 300 penises, including one that once belonged to a human. No, we don’t know where they got it from and we’re not asking.

Honorable Mention: In 1300BCE, Egyptian pharaoh Menephta ordered the penile amputations of a Libyan army that he’d just vanquished in battle. His men collected 13,000 penises that day.

First Couple to be Shown in Bed Together on TV

The first couple to ever be shown together in bed on American television was Fred and Wilma Flintstone of The Flintstones in 1960. We don’t know if they had a gay old time, but you can be sure that they made the bed rock (I am so, so sorry).

Honorable Mention: Captain James T. Kirk and Lieutenant Nyota Uhura (played by William Shatner and Nichelle Nichols) locked lips in the first ever interracial kiss broadcast on American TV in a 1968 episode of Star Trek titled ‘Plato’s Stepchildren’.

Oldest Woman to Give Birth Naturally

You know what they say, thirties are the new twenties, and so are… fifties. Dawn Brooke gave birth to her son at age 57 in 1977. What’s also impressive is that she somehow ovulated after her last period.

Check this out: How Sex Toys Can Prepare You for Birth

Largest Penis

Nature’s largest penis belongs to the blue whale, with about 8 ft in average length and 1 ft of girthy circumference. If we’re talking about penis size relative to body size, the Argentine Blue-Bill Duck has the largest penis at 14 inches (35.56 cm). It’s worth noting that the Blue-Bill is a normal-sized duck, and you’re welcome for the hilarious mental image.

Honorable Mention: When it comes to primates, who has the biggest penis (and two opposable thumbs)? THIS GUY! Humans have the largest penises, relatively and actually, compared to all primates. Take that, monkeys!

Check this out: Can You Make Your Penis Bigger?

Loudest Love Makers

Ever gotten a noise complaint from the neighbors? Now imagine getting 311 of them for having loud sex. A couple in NYC garnered such a feat for their late-night antics, where the sounds could be heard from all six floors of the apartment building. To add to the spontaneity, the couple met in the apartment building, she as a resident and he as a handyman. They have been getting it on for over 5 years. 

Check this out: The Science of Sex Sounds

Anyone else wondering what positions they’re doing? 

The World’s Oldest Virgin

Did you know that Sir Isaac Newton died a virgin at age 84? Still not anywhere near the oldest virgin. Not even Mother Teresa, who died a virgin at 87. The reigning champion for the World’s Oldest Virgin belongs to Clara Meadmore, who died in 2011 at age 107. She was a secretary in her homeland of the UK, and regardless of your sexual secretary fantasies, Clara decided at age 12 that she never wanted to get married or have sex.

A new candidate, however, is still awaiting Guinness World Record recognition for the same claim. A 120-year-old monk, Swami Sivananda, was born on August 8, 1896 according to his passport, and says he’s never indulged in the temptation of sex. We’ll find out soon if it all checks out.

Queen of Queefs Competition

Ninety-three queefs in thirty seconds. Don’t believe us? It’s no shocker that this was recorded on the Howard Stern show. The Queef Queen’s name is Abby, who impressively flatulates an average of three queefs per second. We have just as many questions as you do about this one, but one thing’s for sure, next time you accidentally queef, you won’t feel as embarrassed. You could even bring up this fun fact. 

Longest Masturbation Session

What constitutes a masturbation session exactly? Staying hard without cumming. I guess dudes have the upper hand in this category with their physical variables, which is why a man by the name of Drake Hardy was able to beat it for more than 10 hours straight. Being a science major, he understood the physical changes occurring and paired this knowledge with tantric principles. Male masturbation is commonly viewed as a rushed and time-pressured event, but Hardy believes it’s his “me time.” He says he’ll continue prolonging his pleasure until it starts hurting him.

Check this out: The Average Length of Sex

Here are a few more fun ones that are officially recognized by Guinness World Records.

Largest Collection of Condoms

We all collect something, but maybe not as interesting as Amatore Bolzoni’s collection of 2,077 different types of condoms. His collection started 4 decades ago, in the 1980s, and contains condoms produced all over the world. The oldest condom is from the 19th century and is made from sheep bowel. There’s also a musical condom that we’ll let you look up yourself. Aren’t you glad we’ve advanced in condom technology?

Check this out: HEX Condoms Under the Microscope

Loudest Penis

Yes, you read that right, and yes, it’s in the Guinness World Records. The loudest penis, when rubbed against the “body”, is that of a tiny European freshwater insect called Micronecta scholtzi. The chirping noise reaches 99.2 decibels, similar to the amount of noise a subway train makes.

Most Expensive Breast Enhancers Sold at Auction

Unsurprisingly, famous sex icon Marilyn Monroe is involved in this one. Her cotton bra pads were purchased at a mere $5,000 in 2000.

Most Frequent Sex

Another insect takes the cake! Who knew these little critters were up to no good (and by ‘no good’, we mean ‘all the fun’)? The Australian Ornebius cricket has sex more than 10 times an hour, all with the same female cricket! Probably because the sperm is so nutritious that she eats it immediately. 

Check this out: Do You Have a Higher Sex Drive Than Your Partner?

Which record are you looking to break?