Sex dolls

A Sex Doll Isn’t As Sexy As You May Think

Teens and pre-teens worldwide rejoice the moment that they realise that, if they touch themselves in a specific place or in a certain manner, they’ll be able to feel a rush of euphoria. And once the beans have been spilled, there’s just no going back.

Sex, masturbation, sexual acts, foreplay… and everything else in between, is just so delectably beautiful that we actively seek pleasure, from ourselves or with others, on a regular basis.

And we’ve come a damn long way since way back when, when phallic-like symbols, like unripe bananas, were used by women to get off.

Today, if you can think about it, it exists. The world is our oyster when it comes to achieving orgasm and feeling fully satisfied.

From dildos to vibrators, clitoral stimulators, flesh lights and butt plugs, we have the luxury of experiencing various different sensations after swiftly placing our credit card details into a discrete website. What a time to be alive!

But not all sex toys are created equal, and today we’re going deep into the pros and cons of sex dolls for men.

The Pros of A Sex Doll

All Day Fun

Forget about Tinder, going to a bar, or chatting up the cute girl on aisle five at the local grocery store. Adios to the woman who enjoys constant chit chat as opposed to having wild animal sex. A sex doll offers 24/7, round-the-clock fun whenever you need it.

Practice Makes Perfect

Getting ready for the real thing? For the novice, a sex doll is a way in which to practice your technique. From how to thrust to developing sexual self-control, the sex doll can lend a helpful hand (or orifice).

No Strings Attached

Your sex doll doesn’t care if you want to live your own life and have your own space. It also doesn’t require you to make a commitment in the slightest. It’s simply a warm body (or rather, hole) for those nights when you feel exceptionally horny.

But, a sex doll isn’t real. And having one comes with a number of negative, and actually rather scary, attributes that are not very sexy.

Check this out: How Can Men Last Longer in Bed?

The Cons of A Sex Doll

They’re Hard to Clean and Maintain

Not only does a sex doll need to be cleaned regularly to avoid stains, but if it’s not cleaned on a regular basis, the material could start to break and become compromised.

So, when it comes to cleaning, you’ll have to research what material your sex doll is made of in order to find the best cleaning solution.

Then, there are several no-no’s when it comes to cleaning:

  • Avoid water near the neck and head as it could cause mold
  • Make sure the water temperature just right as not to cause a reaction
  • Clean every single orifice to avoid foul smells, bacteria, and a possible infection

Some sexy stuff, huh?


We’re living in a world where friendships and relationships are formed and maintained from the touch of a smartphone or (technological) device. And a sex doll is potentially just another outlet for those who use them to become less social and more isolated.

With a sex doll, you run the risk of not being able to form meaningful connections with those who can make a positive impact on your life.

Socially and Sexually Stunted

A sex doll in no way resembles what it’s like to be in a real emotional relationship. And those who use them may start to lack empathy and awareness for others.

They don’t learn or practice the skills that come with being in a shared relationship of give and take, and they embrace a sexual appetite that is selfish and self-fulfilling. They become less open to compromise, and perhaps overwhelmed when engaging with others.


With a sex doll, there is zero intimacy.

This may seem like a dream come true for many men, but who’s going to send you heart emojis when you’re feeling down? And what about the excitement of having your partner give you a strip tease? A Friday night Netflix and chill?

A sex doll can’t kiss you or bite your neck, and they won’t claw your back to pieces during sex. Sex dolls perform only one function – and that’s getting you off. It’s an unsustainable lifestyle.

Emotional Wellbeing

Human beings need emotional support. When times are tough, your network of family, friends, and or a partner will be the ones who are there for you.

This is equally as true during financial and physical difficulties. When you become isolated and reclusive, you’re losing out on a community of people.

It’s Hard to Hide

Having a discrete sex toy that fits into the back of your drawer is one thing, a sex doll is a whole other ball game.

Also, should someone see it, they may just think you’re a little creepy and maybe even kind of sad, which is not a very good look for you.

So, still think sex dolls are sexy?

See Also: Sex Toys Designed for Men